You can’t give over the legal limit in a single transaction on ActBlue. We do not automatically cut donations off after someone reaches a contribution limit with multiple contributions – it’s up to donors and campaigns to keep track of this. If you have an ActBlue Express account, you can use your contribution history to help you keep track of your giving.
Your contribution history will only reflect contributions made while signed in to ActBlue Express. In addition to online donations, contributions made offline, tickets to events, and campaign merchandise purchases all count toward your contribution limit. If you have made these types of donations and think you may be close to the limit, we recommend contacting the campaign or organization directly.
To view your ActBlue contribution history, sign in at
Select “History” from the left navigation bar to view your past contributions.
You can see the following information for each of your donations:
- The donation amount
- The group you gave to
- The date you gave
- Payment method
- Whether it was a charitable 501(c)(3) donation
You can change the timeframe for the donations shown by clicking on the dropdown and choosing a date range. Pick an option in the dropdown menu or select a custom timespan on the calendar.
Click the “Filter” button to filter by recipient, charitable 501(c)(3) donations, or recurring donations.
Use the dropdown menu on the right for different sorting options.

Next to each donation is a link you can click to donate again to that same group. There is also a button with three dots: click on it to open a dropdown menu. From here you can either resend yourself the email receipt for your contribution or request a refund.
When you resend yourself your receipt, it will go to the email address you used when donating. If you need this receipt sent to a different email, contact us, and we’ll send it to the email address you want.
At the bottom of the History page, you can download your contribution history as a CSV file by clicking the “Download a CSV” button.

If you have an ActBlue Express account but can't find a donation, you may not have been logged in when you gave. You can find your donation with our Contribution Lookup tool and identify which account and email address you used to donate.
Donors who haven’t saved information in their ActBlue Express account won’t be able to view their contribution history. To save this information, click “Create an ActBlue Express Profile” on your contribution history page.
If you don’t have an ActBlue Express account, you can’t view your contribution history. Sign up for an ActBlue Express account at
Contribution limits for 2023-2024 are as follows. (You can also find these limits on the FEC’s website.) Note that some differ from the 2022 limits due to the FEC’s adjustments for inflation.
- U.S. Presidential Candidates — $3,300 per election to each candidate. (Primary and general elections are counted separately, even if the primary is uncontested.)
- U.S. House and Senate candidates — $3,300 per election to each candidate. (Primary and general elections are counted separately, even if the primary is uncontested.)
- Federal PACs (e.g., ActBlue) — $5,000 per year to each PAC.
- National Party Committees (e.g., the DNC, DSCC, DCCC) — $41,300 annually to each national party committee.
- State and Local Party Committees — Combined $10,000 limit for party committees in each state. These limits are on contributions to the state or local party’s federal account.
For state and local campaigns, contribution limits vary by state or municipality.
If you’ve made a contribution through your ActBlue Express account that you believe takes you over the legal limit, you can manually request a refund for it within 45 days. Learn how to request a refund for an ActBlue Express contribution here. If your contribution was not made through an ActBlue Express account, please contact us directly for assistance.
Our Customer Service Team is here to help. Contact us with any questions about using ActBlue.
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