ActBlue user roles and permissions dictate what users can do on our platform. If the tools or features in this article are unavailable to you, speak to your entity Admin first about updating your permissions.
Use the pinger to make a sound every time you receive a donation during big fundraising moments. Scroll to the bottom of your Dashboard Overview. Select a sound from the dropdown and keep that page open. Each time you get a donation, the sound will play.
You can even create custom pingers if you have a sound file. To use a custom pinger, attach the URL parameter — the phrase that starts with a question mark and ends with a sound file, like .mp3 — to the end of your Dashboard web address, like this:
Here are a few custom pingers we’ve made that anyone can use:
“A Star is Born”
“Baby Shark”
“Thanks Obama”
To turn off a pinger you selected in our dropdown menu, refresh your Dashboard. Delete everything after “dashboard/” in your web address to stop a pinger you added via a URL parameter.
The amount of support that the ActBlue Customer Service Team can provide is dependent on the permissions that you have. Check with your entity Admin about your assigned role.
If you have any questions, please contact our support team using the email address you use to access your ActBlue account.
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