In this article:
Donor badges allow you to celebrate your achievements as an ActBlue Express user. Earn badges when you take different actions or reach organizing milestones. Log in to your ActBlue Express account to view the badges you've earned and those you have yet to earn.
Earning badges
You can earn twelve donor badges through your ActBlue Express account:
- Grassroots Giver – Create an ActBlue Express account
- Committed Contributor – Add payment information to your account
- Cause Champion – Donate to a 501(C)(3) nonprofit
- Awesome Advocate – Donate to a 501(C)(4) nonprofit
- State Supporter – Donate to a state candidate
- Local Leader – Donate to a local candidate
- National Changemaker – Donate to a federal candidate
- Sustaining Supporter – Make a recurring donation
- Team Tandem – Donate on a Tandem form
- Community Fundraiser – Create a community form
- Movement Builder- Get at least five people to contribute on a community form
- Early Energizer – Donate to a political candidate at least 12 months before Election Day
Every ActBlue Express user starts with the Grassroots Giver badge. You will also receive the Committed Contributor badge if you used a saved payment method.
After you take an action that earns you a badge, an alert on the page will ask you to claim your badge. View your badges by clicking "Claim your badges." You'll need to log into your ActBlue Express account to view your badges.
You won’t lose your badges if you change the email associated with your ActBlue Express account. However, if you create a new ActBlue Express account with a new email, you will start fresh with that account. Your badges will not transfer over.
Viewing Badges
You can find all badges in your ActBlue Express account. Once logged in, select "Badges" from the left navigation bar.
Your most recent badge achievements are at the top of the page.
To see all earned and unearned badges, scroll down and make sure "Show all" is selected from the dropdown menu. Unearned badges are grayed out until you earn them. Once earned, they will appear in full color at the top of the page.
Sharing badges
You can find all badges in your ActBlue Express account. Once logged in, select "Badges" from the left navigation bar.
Your most recent badge achievements are at the top of the page.
Click on the "Share" dropdown menu and select a platform to share your badges directly with your networks.
You will land on the platform you selected to customize your message.
Our Customer Service Team is here to help. Contact us with any questions about using ActBlue.
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