ActBlue user roles and permissions dictate what users can do on our platform. If the tools or features in this article are unavailable to you, speak to your entity Admin first about updating your permissions.
You can change all of the standard ActBlue-provided text on your contribution form to Spanish with a single click. If you've already written your donation ask or other form copy in Spanish, you can create a user-friendly and unified form for your supporters in one easy step. Spanish translation is only available for regular contribution forms, not merchandise or event forms.
Go to the "Form customization" tab of your form editor.
Under “Language,” select “Spanish / Español” from the “Form language” dropdown.
The ActBlue-provided text on your form will translate on the right side of your screen in real time.
Translated elements include:
- Buttons
- Donation block helper text
- Donor information fields
- Default pop-up recurring message and buttons
- Default Smart Options
- Recurring upsell message and buttons
- Default recurring incentive headers
- Goal tracker
- Standard contribution rules
- ActBlue disclaimer
This tool will not translate any text you write for your form, including:
- Title
- Ask
- Custom pop-up recurring message
- Custom Smart Options recurring upsell message
- Custom recurring pitch
- Custom recurring incentive descriptions and headers
- Branding
- Custom radio buttons
- Text fields in the donation block
- Additional text below the standard contribution rules
Here’s an example of what a first-time donor sees when they land on a translated form:
All three donation steps — Amount, Details, and Payment — will translate.
Here’s an example of what an ActBlue Express user sees when they land on a translated form:
Here’s what a translated Smart Options message looks like with the default ActBlue-provided text:
Here’s what a translated Smart Boost upsell message looks like with the default ActBlue-provided text:
And here’s what a translated goal tracker looks like with the default, ActBlue-provided text. “Help us reach our goal!” is user-generated text:
If you translate an embeddable form or button, the ActBlue-provided text on your form or pop-up modal will translate.
Please note that embeddable forms and buttons are only available for 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations and federal campaigns.
Embedded Goal trackers originating from a Spanish-translated form will have all of their ActBlue-provided text translated.
ActBlue-provided language on thanks pages email receipts will not translate.
Click the green “Publish” button to save your changes before sharing your form with your supporters
You can always switch your form back to English by selecting “English / Inglés” from the “Form language” dropdown.
The amount of support that the ActBlue Customer Service Team can provide is dependent on the permissions that you have. Check with your entity Admin about your assigned role.
If you have any questions, please contact our support team using the email address you use to access your ActBlue account.
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