At ActBlue, we do everything we can to accommodate requests for refunds. We do our best to honor refunds requested for input errors (like when a donor accidentally gives twice or when someone enters the wrong donation amount). ActBlue cannot issue refunds for other reasons, including a change in political or personal opinion or the cancellation of an event.
If your contribution was not made through an ActBlue Express account or was not made in the past 45 days, please contact us directly for assistance. Our team handles all refund requests as promptly as possible.
If you have an ActBlue Express account, you can use our self-service refund tool to request a refund for any ActBlue Express contribution made within the last 45 days. Requesting a refund for a recurring contribution will automatically cancel all future recurrences.
You can request a refund from either your email receipt or from within your ActBlue Express account. From your email receipt, click on the “Request a refund” link.

To request a refund from your ActBlue Express account, log in to ActBlue and then go to your contribution history. Click the three dots next to the contribution you would like to refund. Then, click “Request refund” from the dropdown.

You will be taken to a pop-up where you can select the line items from the contribution that you would like to refund. You will also be asked to share your reason for requesting the refund.

Select your reason and click “Request my $XX refund.” If your request can be processed, you will see the following pop-up confirming that your refund has been requested and that the funds should be returned to your account within 2-5 business days.

If your request cannot be processed, you will see the following pop-up letting you know that we were unable to process it, with a link to contact us for further assistance.

Your refund request's status will be reflected in your account’s contribution history. If the refund is processed successfully, a “Refunded” badge will be displayed next to the refunded contribution.

If the refund is unable to be processed, a “Refund failed” badge will be displayed.

All refunds issued by ActBlue will be credited back to the card you used to donate. If we can’t accommodate a refund request, we will be happy to refer you to the recipient of your contribution so that you may request a refund directly from them.
All refund requests are subject to the availability of the funds. Because we forward donations to the candidate, cause, or committee you gave to, we can only refund a contribution if we still have the funds or can recover the funds from the recipient.
We can’t always guarantee a refund for contributions older than three months (90 days).
For these reasons, it is important to request a refund as soon after contributing as possible!
Our Customer Service Team is here to help. Contact us with any questions about using ActBlue.
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