You can save your credit card or PayPal™ information to your ActBlue Express account, allowing you to donate to your favorite candidates and causes with a single click.
First, make sure you have an ActBlue Express account. The easiest time to create an account is right after you donate. You’ll often see the choice to donate with PayPal right away.
Create a password after you donate, and we’ll save your PayPal or other payment information. You can also sign up for an ActBlue Express account here.
Click on “Account” at the top of your screen, and choose “Payment Methods” from the dropdown.
Click “Add payment method.”
Click “PayPal.”
On the next page, click the yellow “PayPal” button to connect your account.
A pop-up will ask you to log in to your PayPal account. Click “Turn On One Touch” to save your PayPal information to your ActBlue Express account.
You can also add credit cards as additional saved payment methods.
You can also change your default payment method on the “Payment Methods” page. At the top of the page, click the dropdown under “Default payment method.” Select the card or PayPal account you want as your default donation payment.

Our Customer Service Team is here to help. Contact us with any questions about using ActBlue.
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